Cash Secured Loan

Cash Secured Loan

Our Cash Secured Loan is a cost effective way to access funds while leaving your hard earned savings untouched. You can borrow up to 95% of your savings.


  • Flexible repayment loan tenor of up to 120 months 
  • Loan up to 10 Million or 95% of your deposit


  • Convenience of repayment through ABK-Egypt branches or by setting standing orders through your branch or ABK–Egypt online.
  • Optional life insurance for the loan amount

More Informations

  • *In case the client wishes to settle the remaining loan amount before its terms, client needs to go to the branch and write a loan settlement request and deposit the remaining cash value including early settlement fees.

Contact Info

For more information, please visit ABK-Egypt nearest branch or contact ABK-Egypt call center available 24/7 at 19322