Clients Security Advisory

Out of our bank’s duty and continuous trials to secure your use of credit cards against any possible fraud attempts and since it is noted globally that fraud levels have been on the rise in the past few years.

We wish to bring some important and vital security measures to your attention in order to secure your cards from any possible fraudulent attempts. Below is a list of security precautionary measures that should be in place to secure your use of Any type of cards:

  1. Don't respond to unsolicited emails that request personal or financial information as in the case of your current inquiry (ex. Card Number, CVV/CVC, or PIN code). If you received such emails that appears to be from Al Ahli Bank of Kuwait - Egypt, please forward it to infosec@abkegypt.com , No bank would ask for such information using an email over the internet.
  2. Only access personal Online Banking or shopping sites by typing in a web address. Never use a link from an email. Ensure the security icon, a locked padlock or broken key symbol, is showing in the browser window and double check on the address written onto your web explorer prior to proceeding with any financial transactions.
  3. Never use a link from an email to shop on the internet instead use a secure & valid web address.
  4. Protect your PC by regularly updating your operating system and anti-virus software.
  5. Never disclose your PIN online. If you are requested to give your PIN online (or over the telephone), or if you suspect any other fraudulent activity, please report it.
  6. Make sure we have up-to-date contact details for you, especially your mobile number, so that we can contact you in case we suspect fraudulent activities or unusual spending patterns on your account as well as to benefit from our authorization SMS service.
  7. Make sure you always carefully check the entries on your statement. If you find any incorrect / unidentified transactions, contact us immediately.
  8. Make sure you always carefully check received authorization messages (SMS) upon using your card. If any of the received SMSs does not belong to you please contact the Bank immediately.
  9. Never leave your card unattended anywhere. Protect it as if it were cash.
  10. Please contact the bank immediately in case card is lost or stolen If possible, try not to let your card out of sight during any transactions.
  11. Do not store your card and PIN code in the same location.
  12. PIN codes should always be memorized and not physically stored.
  13. Never allow anyone else access to your Credit or Debit Card. If your card is borrowed by a family member (spouse, child, parent), with or without your consent, you, the cardholder, is responsible for any transactions on it.
  14. You may often be asked to confirm the last 3 digits of the number printed on the signature panel on the reverse of your card. This number is unique to your card and is an additional security feature (CVV/CVC code) to be used for internet transactions. In case of exposure to any of these messages, and of suspicion, please send that message to the following address: infosec@abkegypt.com

Tips for E-Payments

  1. Keep your accounts secure by creating complex passwords
  2. Never use the same email password for any other email account
  3. Change the passwords on your various accounts and devices at least once every three months
  4. Read privacy policies carefully before sharing information
  5. Log-out/ sign-out from your accounts when you are done
  6. Make sure you're on an official website before entering your password
  7. Back up your data frequently
  8. Install or activate your firewall
  9. Install antivirus software on your computer and mobile
  10. Review the details of transactions before sending to the bank

Don't Do
  1. Do not use the data received by e-mail or SMS in transferring money unless a call back was conducted from your side to the beneficiary for verification and confirmation
  2. Do not give your password to anyone
  3. Never use public Wi-Fi or a public computer for online transactions or money transfer
  4. Do not click on suspicious links or respond to anonymous emails and text messages
  5. Do not store your card details on websites
  6. Do not install 'off-road' Android apps
  7. Never open attachments from unknown sources
  8. Do not disclose your bank information via phone or email